2023 - 2024 Admissions Page!
- Apply from Home TODAY!: Complete an Application
- In person: 14281 Story Road, San Jose, CA 95127
- Call: (408) 729-2281 Ext. 1068
- Attend Summer Bridge: Mid-July 2023 (Dates to be released)
Welcome, Future Jaguars!
College is not our dream for you, it’s our goal! We want to help your child be college-ready with one of the very best educational opportunities in the East Side of San Jose. Each student at Roberto Cruz Leadership Academy (RCLA) is given the setup required for success with our state-of-the-art facilities, academic curriculum, and incredibly supportive community. We welcome and invite you to learn about RCLA. Come on in! The doors to a great education are always open for everyone!
Here at RCLA, our community offers a safe learning environment and incredible career exploration opportunities. As a completely free public charter school, RCLA offers wrap-around support services, AP Courses, Free SAT preparation, Athletics, school-provided lunch, a free VTA Clipper card, college campus visits, and to wrap it all up, a Google Chromebook at no cost to families. The school even hosts parent workshops on financial aid, behavioral support, and much more completely free of charge!
Just to show how our students are always college-bound, previous graduating classes have gained admission to UC Berkeley, San Jose State University, UC Santa Cruz, University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, UC Merced, and many other universities! We host school tours and informational sessions; we are just a click and a call away! We invite you once again to see for yourself, and help us secure your child’s bright future together at (408)729-2281 ext. 1068.
Enrollment Timeline:
Open Enrollment - Apply Now!
August-May: Application period. Acceptance letters sent out.
July 15th: Random lottery held, if necessary. The status of the application will be mailed to families.
- If demand for school slots exceeds the number of slots available, a lottery system will be implemented.
- In order of preference for prospective school families is as follows: First Priority: Current families (siblings); Second Priority: Families within the East Side Union High School District; Third Priority: Non-district students.
- If such a lottery becomes necessary, it will be held, as many days from the start of the school year as is possible from the time it becomes clear there will be more applicants than slots. This will be done to give students who were not admitted sufficient time to register at another school.
- RCLA is open to all students, on a space-available basis, and does not and will not discriminate based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, disability or racial background.